Once back, safe and sound from my portrait painting workshops in France, I started the preparations for my show “portraits and landscapes” here in the village, in August. The titel will be: “Portraits of Chelva”. Landscapes and Plain-air paintings of the Chelva surroundings. Also a number of portraits of local people, from our weekly live-model sessions in my studio. I brought some 40 paintings to the frame maker. Continue reading “Portraits and landscapes show”
Portrait commissions of children
Portrait commissions of children have their special challenges. With each assignment, the model is new to me. Therefore an extensive acquaintance is essential. It is important to get to know each other. This applies to adults, but even more to portraits of children. They might see me as an intruder, a strange guy with a camera. Continue reading “Portrait commissions of children”
Me as a portrait painter?
Of course, like every child, I was asked sometimes “what do you want to be when you grow up”? Did I ask myself the question: Me as a portrait painter?
But what is a portrait painter? the English Dictionary says: an artist who paints portraits
Drawing as a little child?
Sometimes I visit websites from other portrait artists and read the information they give about themselves. Often like: “I was already drawing as a little child, or I was born with brushes in my hand”. That annoys me and I do not know exactly why. Is it that difficult to write something more original?
Portrait painting from observation
Despite of the fact that I often do portrait painting from photography, I really must emphasize again, that portrait painting from observation is important. Study as much as you can from a life model sitting in front of you.
Training your drawing skills is fundamental. Accompanying a study I made last Tuesday night. I used Terra Rosa (Winsor & Newton) mixed with a little bit of Burnt Umber (Rembrandt Talens.)
Oil painting technique.

This post is about brushes for oil painting technique. As you may have noticed, recently I was able to dedicate more attention to landscape painting. It took a long time; I was too busy with my portrait commissions. The surroundings of the town of Chelva, where we live, are beautiful and very picturesque. There are countless places asking to be painted. And that is what I do. Continue reading “Oil painting technique.”
10 beginners mistakes in portrait painting.
Portrait painting is not easy in the beginning. I know these beginners mistakes very well. There are many pitfalls, which you must overcome in the learning process. But where to start? Continue reading “10 beginners mistakes in portrait painting.”
Portrait painting and inspiration.
Sometimes I wonder why I want to paint a good portrait. Where does that fervour come from? What about my portrait painting and inspiration. I’ve never been able to answer that question. And it should stay like that, I guess. That everlasting urge, that gruelling passion; I have learned to live with it. It was not always an easy road. More than once, I was jealous of people without any ambition. Continue reading “Portrait painting and inspiration.”
Portrait painting, a different approach

Here I show you, step by step, how I painted this portrait, with a different approach as usual. I chose to start without a detailed drawing. Continue reading “Portrait painting, a different approach”
Portrait painters: use more paint!
Use more paint. Paint with paint; without paint you can´t paint!
When I worked this week on a quick sketch of this portrait, again it came to mind how often I see students paint almost without any paint on the canvas. Far too thin and almost transparent. Continue reading “Portrait painters: use more paint!”
From life model
If you have the intention to start working from life model try to find some friends to join you and agree a fixed day and hour in the week. It is good to have some obligation.