Making a small doodle. These days my wife and I stay for a short time in Madrid. We are happy to celebrate the birth of our second grand daughter. Visiting them I made a very small doodle in pencil of the happy couple. Continue reading “A small doodle”
Portrait painting from observation
Despite of the fact that I often do portrait painting from photography, I really must emphasize again, that portrait painting from observation is important. Study as much as you can from a life model sitting in front of you.
Training your drawing skills is fundamental. Accompanying a study I made last Tuesday night. I used Terra Rosa (Winsor & Newton) mixed with a little bit of Burnt Umber (Rembrandt Talens.)
Portrait painting, a different approach

Here I show you, step by step, how I painted this portrait, with a different approach as usual. I chose to start without a detailed drawing. Continue reading “Portrait painting, a different approach”
Carpentry for portrait painting
Carpentry for portrait painting. As I get the opportunity I love to do craftwork, preferably in wood. I always wanted to be a carpenter, I have written about this before. And I’ll confess something else to you. For a long time, carpentry gave me more pleasure than painting. Believe me. Continue reading “Carpentry for portrait painting”
From life model
If you have the intention to start working from life model try to find some friends to join you and agree a fixed day and hour in the week. It is good to have some obligation.
Portrait painting and sketching
I used to make detailed, preparative studies in oils for my portrait commissions. I stopped gradually. Along the way I realized I was putting my best energy in a study. By the time I made the real painting it sometimes seemed as if I was repeating myself. Norman Rockwell writes: “Be careful not to carry the colour sketch so far that there will be no fun left in the final job. ( ) I have often made the mistake of carrying the sketch too far, wearing out my enthusiasm before I get to the final job”. Continue reading “Portrait painting and sketching”
Portrait painting from life, underpainting
In this short portrait portrait painting from life, underpainting, demonstration video I only use raw umber.
If you have the opportunity to paint from observation you should do so as much as possible.
To begin with, I give the entire canvas a very thin wash of raw umber with standard painting medium.
Then, using a flat synthetic brush I put down the first contours. I determine where the eyes, nose and mouth are.
Continue reading “Portrait painting from life, underpainting”
Drawing through thick and thin

I have never been very stocky and my weight has never made me any concern. But now I see the studies that I made in front of the mirror when I was twenty years old, I do see a very skinny body. However, I could see enough muscles to name them.
I will not reveal my actual weight…
Drawing through thick and thin

I’ve never been very stocky and my weight has never made me any concern.
But now I see the studies that I made in front of the mirror when I was twenty years old, I do see a very skinny body. However, I could see enough muscles to name them.
I will not reveal my actual weight…
Contact with the model and photography.
“Painting a portrait is not just painting a picture, it is a celebration of the person.”
Long time ago I read this statement and I decided to make it my motto. When I started this blog I had in mind to explain what is involved in painting a portrait.Not only about painting techniques but also about inspiration and motivation, concentration and preparation. In another way: to explain my motto.
I am convinced that two thirds of making a portrait is in the preparation and only one third covers painting the portrait itself. Today I want to tell you about the most important part of the preparation:
The contact with the model and photography.

The last two weeks I was out on a number of portrait commissions. I went to visit people I have never met in my life met. People that expect from me to make them a nice portrait. To me that is a known and usual course of business. However for most people this is very special and they do this only once in their lives. Sometimes they are tense but always expectant. Most people are not accustomed to pose and some doubt whether they will do it right. It is my job to give the model confidence. Confidence in the good outcome, trust that he or she will be imaged favorably. People who are too modest, I might have to encourage, people with a big ego I try to temper. Noisy kids I try to calm and I try to provoke shy kids. But I need to have good eye for their unique caracter and I must not overpower this.
Photo sessions are so delicate that I always try to have an appointment the day before. A visit without cameras. In advance I will get an idea of the sitter. And what is more important, the model will get an impression of who I am. The sitter has to give me something that I can give back in the portrait. And that has everything to do with trust and harmony. I see it as my job to be a faithful reporter of these important characteristics.
See also: Portrait painting lessons (1)