Portrait painting from life, underpainting

Portrait painting from life, underpainting

In this short portrait portrait painting from life, underpainting, demonstration video I only use raw umber.

If you have the opportunity to paint from observation you should do so as much as possible.

To begin with, I give the entire canvas a very thin wash of raw umber with standard painting medium.

Then, using a flat synthetic brush I put down the first contours. I determine where the eyes, nose and mouth are.

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Lingering thoughts when painting a portrait

portrait painting
“men at work”

These days I am reading the book “Man with a Blue Scarf” by Martin Gayford. It is on sitting for a portrait by Lucian Freud. Good books can take possession of your mind for days. It’s like when you spend some time in a boat and you are accustomed to the constant wobbling. Once on shore you find yourself still waddling. You must readjust. Yesterday and today I have been painting the portrait of the man in the picture above and the spirit of Lucian Freud is present at the sessions. His quotes are constantly itching in my mind.

Such as: “The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real”.

Or: ” I paint people not because of what they are like, not exactly in spite of what they are like, but how they happen to be.

And “I would wish my portraits to be of the people, not like them. Not having a look of the sitter, being them”.

Time and again, I have to clear my mind because these lingering thoughts intervene. I must concentrate on my job, the sitter and me.

Me as a carpenter

ben lustenhouwer as a carpenter
carpentry kitchen
Finishing the home-made kitchen

I have told you before that, as a little child, I wanted to be a carpenter. Even though I went into art, portrait painting, the love of joinery has been a thread throughout my life and over the years I’ve done much carpentry. Now, we are finishing the house for the artist in residence rental. Much we do ourselves: electricity, water, stucco, tile work. Not because we have to but, on the contrary, because we can´t resist. In the picture you see me putting the final touches to the kitchen. With a little planing the natural-stone worktop can be installed.