Portraits in steel by Helma Vanrens

Portraits in steel by Helma Vanrens

A few times I have shown the work of my wife . Now I show you Portraits in steel by Helma Vanrens.

You know she is a sculptress. Lately she’s occupied with the inventory of her entire oeuvre. I help her setting up the picture archive.

We came across images of some earlier work; steel faces. These “portraits”, sculptures in steel, by no means of course, have relationship with my work. Not in the remotest way. Although you can not say they are figurative, they do have a realistic starting point. I see them as metaphorical statements. I have always found them really special and they are very familiar and most dear to me.

See more of her work here

Portraits in steel by Helma Vanrens
Black steel, 30 cm. high.

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Introducing my wife

presenting my wife

I have not often told you about Helma, my wife. She is a sculptress. In the past she has made some commissions of large dimensions.

First step
First-step.  Painted steel. 300 x 650 x 800 cm

The picture shows a sculpture from 1986, located in the city of Utrecht, Holland. It’s titled First Step. The contrast between her work and my portrait painting is that of abstract versus figurative, that is clear. About this opposition Salvador Dali says:¨It is either easy or impossible”; it has never been an obstacle between us. Her work has broadened my view. I am always fascinated how she responds to an event or a memory by making a piece of art without the need to create an image of the real world. Check out her website:  www.helmavanrens.com