About white in oil painting

About white in oil painting

Much can be said about white in oil painting. By far it is the paint that is most sold. I am also a bulk consumer.Together with Yellow Ocher, it is the paint that I use the most.

Since I have been browsing every now and then the beautiful book The Art Spirit by Robert Henri, I come across the most beautiful passages that I must remember. I keep my ear to the ground reading these pages. Continue reading “About white in oil painting”

Weird artists

Weird artists

Hieronymus Bosch and modern weird artists.

For next Monday, I have a ticket for the big Hieronymus Bosch exhibition at the Prado Museum in Madrid. I am very curious to see!  Bosch is the pre-eminent painter of the most wondrous creatures and unusual scenes. Probably contemporaries considered him a weird artist. Museums and cities organize countless events and exhibitions to celebrate the five hundredth year of the Dutch painter’s death. Bosch is named after the city Den Bosch.  Here he was born. He lived almost simultaneously with Leonardo da Vinci. He is buried in the cathedral of his birthplace. Continue reading “Weird artists”