Do not think I know it all. Like others, I have doubts sometimes. This week I’m working on a self-portrait for an exhibition in the gallery in London. I showed two images of the progress on Facebook and have never had so many likes.

A painting that is half finished is something magical. It has the excitement of the promise and the attractive dynamics of abstraction. Once finished, sometimes it does not quite accord to my high expectations. From experience I know this phenomenon, however, it takes me by surprise. So as now with this painting, it is completed but not finished. How do I proceed? The big question for this week. See also the finished version here.
Beautiful work, Ben. Being a new portrait artist, it is good for me to learn that with all of your art education and expertise you still question how to proceed with a completed portrait. Thank you very much for sharing.
Hi Ben,
I agree that a half finished painting looks magical, there’s something about it that makes me think like it’s about to make a move.
My suggestion would be that next time you post a photo of your canvas you do it a bit earlier in the process, when there are not too many details, also post more photos.
I love your paintings, they’re amazing.
Kind regards
I follow your blog and am always impressed by your paintings and by your willingness to share your work and your process with everyone. In this painting, is there some way to reintroduce some of the light indefinite quality in the right side of the picture? Maybe that’s the magic?
Could be the solution Judy, anyway the problem is in the background.
Nothing wrong with your work… it’s really beautiful and you certainly know what you’re doing…. much more than I do. I wouldn’t have thought there was anything wrong with it all, but I looked hard for something seeing as you hinted that there was something.
Holding my fingers/hand over various parts…. I thought of one thing that might – or not- be strange. The brush going straight out horizontally through the edge may be taking/directing the eye out there. I was envisaging the brush instead being held upright, with the end sloping up towards the top left corner, and the other end pointing toward the hand on your knee. I don’t know though……. now that I’ve typed it all, I’m not sure! But maybe it is something to do with the brush???
Sorry for not being much help!
Warmest regards…
(Keep on painting!)
Thank you Pauline. I am still thinking what to do and by experience I know that soon the painting itself will guide me.
Dag Ben
Volgens mij mis je de eenvoud van je andere zelfportret. Meestal heb je prachtige grote eenvoudige vlakken. Teveel te zien in het gezicht. Ik mis ook wat mysterieuze schaduwen in het gezicht. Het geheel is dramatisch in licht en dat zie ik niet terug in het gezicht. Ik bedoel dit alles opbouwend. Ik zou je zeker niet kunnen evenaren.
Hallo Yvonne. Ik hoop de volgende week het portret klaar te hebben en dan weet ik of wat ik in mijn hoofd heb werkt. Het is altijd spannend. Dank je voor je reactie.
Does it have anything to do with the light over the back shoulder as the light source is from in front, therefore the back should be in shadow?
My concern is the background indeed. There is to much blue in it so it will not work as background.
So are you saying you will change it? and if so, I am very interested in seeing the finished work. I want to keep learning from you
Sincerely, Evelyn
By the way, your painting is awesome and I have already learned a lot from your site. Your style of portraiture is what I want to acheive. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. I paint as a hobby and get the occasional commision.
Sincerely, Evelyn
Ben, I love the way you paint, your technique. The ease , the flow how you paint. I am a beginner, but want to learn as much as I can to paint like you.. I have never taken any portrait classes except what I see in YouTube..I get so uptight about mixing colors and details, hopefully I will learn to relax. I find there is not enough time in a day for me to work..