Protection of an oil painting.
When the portrait is dry to the touch, it is advisable to apply a coat of retouch varnish. For two reasons.
- To protect the painting.
- To enhance its fresh appearance.

I do this with a flat varnish brush. Look at the picture and see the difference between the upper and lower part. The retouching varnish must be applied very thinly. All the dull or sunken areas, that always appear in a recent painting, will be unified. On top of this retouch vanish it is possible to do some corrections on the painting if needed. But take care the layer of varnish is perfectly dry.
After more or less one year a final varnish can be applied. Once again the colours will refresh and the painting will be protected for a longer period of time.
It is always good to be able to reproduce your own artwork, to preserve it digitally for future use, like showing it on your website. For a good reproduction of your painting some things should be noted.
- You should use a good camera and preferably use a tripod.
- You must provide a light source on each side of the artwork.
- It is essential that there is no light source coming from behind the camera, which means behind the photographer. So no lamps or windows. These produce a nasty reflection on the canvas.

Hi Ben, haven’t we (the group) had a wonderful and most fruitful week last week in France?!
My question is: when a painting is really dry after one year, should the surface be cleaned in any way before applying the final varnish? Greetings, Joke
I believed varnish was to be put on only after 6 months to one year, not twice. Do you suggest a first time a few days once it is dry?
Hi Leo. Sorry for answering so late. I always put retouching varnish after let´s say a month. The final varnish after one or two years.