Painting hands in oil paint


About painting hands in oil paint.

Let me start with a quote of the famous Art teacher Robert Henri form his book The Art Spirit:

“Better paint the gesture of the hand than the hand”.

I love to paint hands and this fantastic phrase animates me once again to show the expression of the hand.


painting hands in oil paint

Painting hands in oil paint. Many people think that a painted portrait is just only about the face. Of course it is more than that. Hands can belong just as well to the whole image. Hereto the hands of a commission that I have on my easel now. When the portrait is delivered, and I have the permission of the client, I’ll show you the whole painting.

painting hands in oil paintSome of you may possibly perceive the influence of my recent visit in Madrid to see one of my favorite Spanish painters. I can not encourage you enough to see your heros over and over again. It is the best training, even for those who thought they already finished learning.

One Reply to “Painting hands in oil paint”

  1. Hi Ben, I’m very intrigued by that little round (wood?) instrument in her elbow..What ís it?

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