Portrait commissions.

Portrait commissions.

Next week I will be traveling for some portrait commissions. I go to Switzerland and Holland to meet new clients. I will be back beginning of march and I will not be able to write so much on my blog.

suitcase1Every portrait commission means packing suitcases. This time I want to travel with as little as possible luggage. That is why I tried to pack all the photography equipment and my cloths and stuff in one single suitcase. Hand luggage, so it must not weight more than 10 kilo´s.


My photo equipment
My photo equipment.

My Photo gear: 1. Tripod 2. Canon Speedlite 580 EX 3. Canon Speedlitetransmitter ST-E2 4. Light-umbrella 5. Tripod for flash 6. Canon 5D camera. And of course a small sketchbook.

And some Swiss money. Look the beautiful Swiss banknotes!

Swiss banknotes.
Swiss banknotes.

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