Portrait commissions from the old days

Looking back on some of my portrait commissions from the old days, I sometimes do with trepidation and mixed feelings. More than once it just happens that I´am no longer completely satisfied. These works I will not show you of course, haha! But occasionally I see something and I think: Not that bad.

Portrait commissions from the old days

Portrait commissions from the old days

I´ll show two commissions from long time ago. The first is a typical English commission. I am reasonably satisfied with the simple statement. The second portrait, I like to see again because it reminds me of the sparkling pride of the model.

And when I look at my entire oeuvre, I see an anecdote or a nice story for each assignment. I should write a special blog post about a number of these meetings. One funny, the other interesting, another difficult. Too many to mention. So who knows you will see more stories on portraits of the old days.