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Click HERE to download your 100 portraits eBook.
Portrait painting is not easy I know. But do not make it more difficult than it is: stay organized in portrait painting.
There are countless elements that seem to have nothing to do with portrait painting. Some of them are easily amendable. They are feasible for everyone. Talented or not, skilled or not. Continue reading “Stay organized in portrait painting.”
Much can be said about white in oil painting. By far it is the paint that is most sold. I am also a bulk consumer.Together with Yellow Ocher, it is the paint that I use the most.
Since I have been browsing every now and then the beautiful book The Art Spirit by Robert Henri, I come across the most beautiful passages that I must remember. I keep my ear to the ground reading these pages. Continue reading “About white in oil painting”
Develop your drawing skills.
In order to learn portrait painting properly, it is essential to develop your drawing skills. Actually that applies to all forms of realistic art. I had the good fortune to have had an excellent drawing training at a young age. However, I know that many of you do not.
These days, around the end of the year, Helma and I are busy clearing the attic. The plan is to make large cabinets with plenty of storage space. I am already looking forward to the carpentry because it has been a while since I have held a saw, hammer or chisel. Continue reading “Portrait painter, be professional, find a gallery”
Maybe a bit of a weird subject but not unimportant: Your artists´ signature. Often enough you see something strange in one or another corner of a painting: too big, to obvious, too clumsy, too sloppy, etc, etc. Continue reading “Artists´ signature”
And then Helma said, ‘Let’s go and pick up the box of red wine that we ordered in Ahillas.’ So we went to Bodegas Terra D´Art. A ride of 15 kilometers through the mountains. Continue reading “Wine with love.”
Never skimp on the good stuff. Cheap materials make cheap artwork! I’ll give you a few some thoughts on preparing the palette.
Put enough paint on your palette without retrenchment. Especially the colours you will use often, such as white, yellow ocher, cadmium red and burnt sienna. I often see students adding medium hoping to obtain more amount of paint. Always use the same order. The sequence you determine yourself, for example the darks left, white in the middle, and the lights on the right, or from dark to light with white left. Or the yellows and reds at the right and the blues and greens at the left side. It does not really matter as long as you always keep a fixed order. You must find your way blindly. (keep your kitchen organized!) Continue reading “Thoughts on preparing the palette”
Portrait commissions of children have their special challenges. With each assignment, the model is new to me. Therefore an extensive acquaintance is essential. It is important to get to know each other. This applies to adults, but even more to portraits of children. They might see me as an intruder, a strange guy with a camera. Continue reading “Portrait commissions of children”
Sometimes I wonder why I want to paint a good portrait. Where does that fervour come from? What about my portrait painting and inspiration. I’ve never been able to answer that question. And it should stay like that, I guess. That everlasting urge, that gruelling passion; I have learned to live with it. It was not always an easy road. More than once, I was jealous of people without any ambition. Continue reading “Portrait painting and inspiration.”