Last Friday afternoon, I made a “trifle” as the end of a busy week: Portrait of my stove. To wind down, so to say. The stove, the globe and my wife’s slippers.
Also I was triggered by the colour contrast of the stove window and the globe in the back ground.
I was interested in the light plane below the stove, which basically indicated the volume of that form. Despite the stove was black, I had no my black on my palette. The darkest value I made out of transparent oxide red, veridian green and ultramarine blue.
Clean the glass of the stove
Talking about the stove, I show you an old trick how to clean the glass of the door. No chemicals! I take a damp cloth and use the ashes from the stove as an abrasive. In a few seconds the glass is clean!

Nothing to do with portrat painting: How I make Basil-pesto