Every portrait painter knows this: A portrait is finished, it looks nice but the resemblance is not quite right (or not at all) Conclusion: there is something wrong. But where is the rub? Perhaps it would be the eyes or the mouth, maybe the nose? You are peering & correcting, but an acceptable similarity is not coming into sight. Even worse: all your efforts are jumping out of the frying pan, into the fire. What do you do? Probably despair first. But as you can learn how to get started, you can also learn how to finish a portrait. I will pay attention to this issue here and in future blog posts. There is a number of ways to assess the likeness of a nearly finished portrait.
Here are some tricks you can think of:
1 Take off your glasses.
2 Use a mirror.
3 Check the portrait at twilight.
4 Use transparent paper.
5 Use the computer.
1 Take off your glasses
The portrait is not quite right, however you are absolutely sure all points of reference are in the correct position. Remember that it could also be that the curves are not in the right spot. In particular, the roundness of the cheeks. Up to what point are they exposed to the light, where does the shadow start? I often take off my glasses to see everything a little blurry. I perceive no details, only large shapes. And it works! It’s an amazing trick to find inaccuracies related to curves. “Yes, but I don´t wear glasses” you’ll say. OK. Borrow a pair of your granny´s specs, and put them on! Same effect.
Next time: Using a mirror.