As portrait painting is my daily job, sometimes I want to do some different painting. In case if there is time left of course. Doing watercolours of the village for instance. Years ago I made some oil paintings of some built environment with human presence. Here I show you three of these non-commissioned works. Three portraits of Valencia, as you want. Click to enlarge the images.

Puente del Mar, Valencia.
óleo. 41 x 51 cm.

La Pechina, Valencia.
oleo. 55 x 55 cm.

Mercado de Colon.Valencia
oleo. 55 x 55 cm.
Hi, Mr. Lustenhouwer. I always check your website and this is the first time to leave a comment. I’m Japanese, living in the U.S. I must say, your paintings are beautiful! Not only portrait paintings, but also landscapes! Thank you very much for the inspiring paintings! P.S. I enjoyed and learned a lot from your portrait demonstration video. Thank you, sir!
Hi Mr. Asuka.
I thank you for your kind words. I am glad you like my blog. Best.
Hi, Mr. Lustenhouwer. I like the 3 paintings, “and” . . . your choice of picture frames for the paintings. In this example, the picture frames do a very nice job of complementing the colors within the paintings. So often, a picture frame is chosen that is over dramatic, & detracts from the elegance of the painting.
Hi Mark.
I completely agree with your opinion on the frames. Most frames are killing a painting.
I have recently found your work and your site/blog,and i am trying to catch up on my reading of yours by trying to understand all the wisdom you impart.But with these paintings I now know why i like your work so much…….Colour. Your use of colour is breathtaking!!!!!!