Portrait painting, my daily job
For years and years portrait painting is my daily job. Commissioned work or not, it belongs to me as Niagara belongs to Falls. I can´t imagine doing something else. It always has been a great privilege to be able to do what I am good at. And it still is. But I really should be paving the way to dedicate more time to do watercolour landscape. We live in a very picturesque setting and there is always a nice motive worth painting. Below a watercolour of the village that I made last year and changed a bit this morning.

Hi Ben, I bought your DVD and I love watching it over and over. I have learned a lot from your precise instruction. I just attended the Portrait Society of America’s conference here in Georgia. Have you heard of them? The conference and your DVD have inspired me. I am disappointed that you don,t travel to America, but I understand, it is a long way. I am determined to attend one of your workshops in France though, until then, thank you for sharing your tips and thoughts.
Hi Catherine. Thank you very much for your kind words. Wish I could attend one day one of these conferences of the PSA.
All the best.