Portrait painting and filming

making a video tutorial
Editing the long tutorial video

It happens to everyone once and a while: the loss of documents in the computer. Five years ago I almost finished the editing of my third long video demonstration. By bad luck, I lost all the work. I was defeated and angry at myself for disconnecting the hard drive from my computer without the necessary precautions. Months and months of work lost! A negligence which I had to atone a longtime. Eventually the footage could be retrieved by a specialist company in Madrid, but the editing had gone forever. I am taking charge of the project again. From now I will be spending all available time behind the screens. I hope to finish the project by summer. I will keep you posted.

Stills from the video
Stills from the video
Stills from the video
Stills from the video
Stills from the video
Stills from the video

3 Replies to “Portrait painting and filming”

  1. So sorry you lost this video, Ben. I remember watching it very closely three years ago and learning much from the techniques you offered in it.

  2. Hi Ben,
    Do you mean that you disconnected an external drive from a Mac without properly ejecting it first in the Finder and then couldn’t see any of the contents? This happened to me once, but simply connecting the drive to a Windows (yes, Windows!) machine brought everything back and when I reconnected to my Mac all was good again.


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