Clearing the attic
These days, around the end of the year, Helma and I are busy clearing the attic. The plan is to make large cabinets with plenty of storage space. I am already looking forward to the carpentry because it has been a while since I have held a saw, hammer or chisel.
The usual question is: what can be thrown away and what needs to be stored? I am often rash and quickly decided to dump stuff. Helma is more cautious. Consequently the discussions are always of the same nature but rarely without a good outcome.

Cleaning up also means that you unexpectedly might come across items that you have forgotten. In that way this visual/sketch emerged. A document from my previous life as a commercial illustrator. What you see is a preparatory pencil sketch for an illustration for a large advertising campaign for the Dutch brewery Heineken. I remember the day we visited a number of pubs in Amsterdam. I had arranged a couple of models. We asked permission to do photo sessions inside. It brings back sweet memories.
One of the models is the son of my then agent, Kees Thijssen of Art Box in Amsterdam. (Above, a small pencil drawing for his portrait in oil)
I often think about Kees. He died last year. He was a fantastic man and a great agent. Not only for me, but also for all affiliated artists. I have been very lucky that I met him and that we were able to work together for years. And we were successful. See also this blog. And this one.
Find a gallery
That reminds me of the importance of having a good agent, representative or gallery. Even in this age of internet. A good representative with good networks sells your art work better than you ever could do yourself.
So set off, leave your studio
When you decide your quality is good enough then do not hesitate to compose a perfect portfolio and find a good representative or gallery. Think of me. Consider that I live in a remote village in the mountains of Spain, but my portraits can be seen in galleries in London and Amsterdam. I personally don´t have access to such an extensive clientele abroad. Although I am well visible on the internet.
Do you find it difficult or are you too modest to seek a representative? Don´t postpone! Set off and leave your studio. Make it one of your good intentions for the new year!
Are you good enough? Show yourself. Portrait painter, be professional!