Portrait Painting is my daily work, you know already. I spend much of my life in my studio, behind the easel. It is therefore very important that my workplace be ideal. Not only in terms of lighting, but the spatial layout should be well thought out and the materials must be of good quality. That sounds obvious. Yet I sometimes see workplaces that are far from good. I do not understand that. Even when painting is just your hobby, plan everything that this entails in such a way that it is optimally organised.
Just wonder where the light is coming from. Is there
Day light from the roof? And what About music during the
Paint work?
Hello Remy.
I missed your comment. The light is coming from fluorcent tubes. See: https://paintingportraittips.com/how-to-light-a-painters-studio/
In the morning I cannot work with music. In the afternoon when the hard work is done I love to listen to old country, or classic music. But on Sunday afternoon I listen to “Langs de Lijn!!”
Hello Ben.
After coming across your web site a few month’s back, And enjoying the images of your
studio and painting’s , In your vintage Olive Production Building . It inspired me to
restore my vintage farm barn. I made the second story into a painting studio. It still has more work. But i will get their. I also purchased Both of your video’s. The one of the little Boy will really help me the most . I have a lot of light skinned portrait’s i want to do.But
both video’s are great .Thank you. looking forward to a video for photo taking in the future if you do decide to make one. I will be first on the list.
Hi ben,
I love ur work and i wanted to ask that dont u lose interest from ur job or did this used to happen to u?I love art but i lose interest sometimes and i hate when this happens to me.i dont want to be apart of these people who gave up there hobby.
I never lost interest in my job. It is my reason for living.