It took some more time than I thought. But now it is available. Tutorial How to paint a portrait: Portrait of a little boy.
I hope that the information I give is clear and that the video is not to long.

It took some more time than I thought. But now it is available. Tutorial How to paint a portrait: Portrait of a little boy.
I hope that the information I give is clear and that the video is not to long.
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hi, im so so sorry i dont speak neither English nor French.. compliments for your works
Watching your workshop video as I write this. Very generous and good. Best of all it is making me want to paint as soon as possible. I am already setting up my brushes and soon I will begin. One of the most organic and natural sounding tutorials I have heard. And oil painting is all about that. Thank you very much.
After ninety days I will buy it again, just so it is handy at all times.
Hello Mila.
Thank you for your kind words. Hope the video is of any help.
Kind regards.
I am watching your all video demonstrations .
I love your painting style very much. I learn as much i can from these demo’s .
They inspire me,thank you for uploading.
Felicidades por el tipo de trabajo que realiza, soy un admirador de su tecnica.
I ordered this video a couple of day ago and just finished watching it completely through. Absolutely Wonderful! Thank you! Since I retired 3 years ago I have tried to devote myself to learning oil painting, especially portraits. Your video has been and will be a tremendous help for me.