Painting Portrait Tips.
Nowadays everybody has a blog and from today on so do I. My intention is to share my painting portrait tips.
I will tell about my techniques, methods, flesh colors, materials, in short: about painting portrait tips, and comment on painters who have inspired me. I shall also tell you about our daily life here in Spain.
Painting portraits is now my daily job for more than 30 years. I have travelled around half the world for my commissions and gathered all the knowledge I could about portrait painting. I think now the time has come to share everything I know. You will find some of my tips in this blog and more information about painting portrait tips in my video tutorials.
Beatus Nijs
Let me tell you something about myself. At school I was the boy that dreamed instead of paying attention to teachers. Dreaming and drawing. School was a prison for me. When I was ten my parents sent me to the drawing classes of Beatus Nijs in Hilversum (Holland). That was my Great Escape. I remember these Saturday classes as the happiest hours of my life. Later I attended the Tuesday night portrait classes and the Thursday night model classes.
One day Beatus took me aside. He told me two titles of books to buy and sat me down in front of a human skeleton. My anatomy classes had begun! In the early seventies I went to Art School in Utrecht. By then art education had become more and more focused on the abstract movement. But I was already bound for realism and portrait painting. It sounds strange but I suffered from being a good draftsman because of this. It was almost something to be ashamed of!
Starting my career
So I left that course after a year. I started my career as a commercial illustrator to earn a living. To develop my skills I studied books of great illustrators such as Andrew Loomis and Norman Rockwell. (Still very helpful books!) I received lots of commissions, but in the end I knew portrait painting was my real mission.
Painting portrait tips
I prepared myself and studied the old masters: Velazquez, Rembrandt, Sorolla, Singer Sargent, Zorn, Repin and many others, I searched for tips from portrait painters and art teachers. I attacked series of uncommissioned portraits. In the late eighties I received my first assignments, and after all these years that is still what I am doing: painting portraits. For the last couple of years I have been teaching portrait painting. I have some tutorials on Youtube and I receive questions almost daily from all over the world asking for painting portrait tips.
So I have decided to name my blog: painting portrait tips, and hope that everyone can find me. Some of the instructions will be written, others will be in images and some in demonstration videos.

As you may know I am Dutch. English is not my native language. If I make any mistakes while writing my blog painting portrait tips please forgive me.
Hallo Ben, veel informatie is er op je blog te vinden, ik zal er rustig de tijd voor nemen, maar bedankt voor al deze gegevens. Hoe staan de zaken er voor met de iTtunes versie, is het nog wat geworden. In elk geval succes er mee. Big hug Arij
Hallo Arij. Ik ben begonnen met een tweede demonstratie en zodra die erop staat dan gaat de eerste in de herhaling.
Groet, Ben.
Ziet er goed uit Ben; ik zal het op FB zetten.
Prachtige site Ben, TOP! Ik zet je op FB erbij, groetjes JAC
Hi Ben,
I’d just like to give you a large ‘thank you’ for sharing your vast knowledge of oil painting. I have just bought a palette of oil colours, i’ve just drawn some reference points on a canvas and i’m just about to start my first portrait ( a random photograph from the internet ).I’ve been wanting to do this for many years, but i’ve never got around to it. Watching your videos has given me the confidence to actually stop, ‘painting inside my head’ and to actually have a go on the canvas ! I’ll let you know how i get on :o))
Hi Carl. Wish you good luck!! Ben.
Hello Ben!
je suis très heureuse de vous lire,moi qui a besoin de votre lumière pour me guider,je suis amatrice d’art et j’ai une soif énorme d’apprendre ,j’ai l’impression de vouloir avaler la terre entière pour pouvoir progresser mais je ne sais a quel sain me vouer. Mon admiration pour vous est profonde et un big merci a tout ce que vous faites pour nous.
Respectueusement votre;
Je vous remercie pour vos aimables paroles. Ben Lustenhouwer
Wat een inspirerende site voor portrettisten in spe! Prachtige opbouw van ‘Portrait of a man’. Goed gekozen eigen werk en mooie voorbeelden van te gebruiken technieken.
Jammer dat de aquareltechniek kennelijk te watervlug is om goed te kunnen beschrijven. Succes met het maken van de tutorials. Ben er benieuwd naar.
Hallo Ben,
Een prachtig blog!
Ik heb al eerder jouw website doorgestuurd naar een kennis die net begonnen was met schilderen, zij was er erg blij mee!
Dus deze wordt ook doorgestuurd.
Ik heb niets met FB e.d., maar zo te lezen, wordt dat al gedaan.
Hola Ben, Gracias por darnos una Web de tus trabajos, Los que estamos en America los Hispanos respetamos mucho tu experiencia y dejame saber cuando tengas listo el DVD, Gracias. Saludos a tu esposa, Jose.
Hola Jose.
Estoy dando a los vídeos. Pero ojo, estaré hablando ingles en ellos. Un saludo. BenLustenhouwer
hallo Ben. Leuk weer wat van je te horen en zien. geweldig en inspirerend. Ik heb momenteel ook een expositie, best spannend !
Verrassend ook een bericht te zien van Gerrie Boon. Ik realiseerde me toen ineens weer, dat je bij Frans op de drukkerij gewerkt hebt. Dat was allemaal in een grijs verleden en weer weggezakt.Alhoewel die tijd alles behalve grijs was !!
Heel veel succes , creatieve groeten .
Hallo Ben
Super bedankt. Fijn dat je me hebt bericht.
Ik ga me erin verdiepen.
Groeten uit Amsterdam
Hello Ben,
Firstable thank you for sharing with us your knowledge and experience in portraits. I have not words to tell you how much I like your work, I would love to be able to paint one day like you, I have been watching your videos in youtube and I enjoy them so much and I just found out that you are coming to England, I would love to join to your work shop if that is possible, if you could let me know where can I find the information, I hope you still have places available for me, I would be soooo happy.
Kind regards
Margarita Maria
Hello Margarita.
Thank you for your kind words. I don´t know if there is still a place available in the workshop. Write to ms. Agnes van Gaalen:
Kind Regards.
dear ben thank you so much for your generosity in shareing your knowledge and tips
you are such a great artist, I was a carpenter and joiner myself before I retired and I feel I have it in me to be an artist of sorts, I have done some passable landscapes and still life but portrates are somthing else as you say you have to try and bring the picture to life otherwise its just a blank face ah well practice and more practice I think I see slight improvement each time I think it’s all down to light and shade get that right and your threequarters there thanks again ray
dear ben thank you so much for your generosity in shareing your knowledge and tips
you are such a great artist, I was a carpenter and joiner myself before I retired and I feel I have it in me to be an artist of sorts, I have done some passable landscapes and still life but portrates are somthing else as you say you have to try and bring the picture to life otherwise its just a blank face ah well practice and more practice I think I see slight improvement each time I think it’s all down to light and shade get that right and your threequarters there thanks again ray
Dear Ben, congratulations with this wonderful website! It looks exiting and must sure be of great help for all who are looking for improvement in their work. As you, I do not paint, but EVERY day I look at this great portrait you made of my children. You got them true to life and it is a huge joy for me. Many thanks again, warm regards, Ina Giscard d’Estaing
Thank you for sharing your tips and techniques you area true inspiration.
Hi Ben,
I just chanced upon your work on you tube today and I am fascinated. You have inspired me with your honest representation of your models. Thanks for posting and sharing your knowledge. Sincere regards, Anna
Thank you for so generously sharing your talent and skills in portraiture with folks around the world. I greatly admire your portraits and considered going to France this summer to take your workshop. I sent an inquiry to the school, in English, but unfortunately didn’t receive a reply. I’d like to try again next year. Meanwhile, thank you for the wonderful videos.
Sue in Texas
Ufffff estoy deseando ir a dar clases contigo Ben en octubre.
Ahora mismo estoy viendo todo lo que has colgado en internet y madre mía no sé si voy a poder aguantar la emoción, estoy deseando verte pintar.
Un cordial saludo desde Granada- España.
Tampoco soy un santo! Nos vemos en octubre. Saludos desde Chelva.
The best work that I have seen on the internet, second to none! You inspired this artist/electrician to be more!
Thank you
I enjoyed your video a lot (not entirely viewed it yet). Could you comment on your choice of support (canvas). Why are you using canvas as opposed to a panel, and what type of canvas do you prefer?
Hi Jos.
To be honest I don’t really know why I work on canvas. I have been doing this all my life and I got used to it. Sometimes I painted on board and it was a good experience. However…
I think I love the preparations, stretching the canvas, feeling the nice tension. But in the end once again I don’t have an adequately answer.
Hi Jos.
To be honest I don’t really know why I work on canvas. I have been doing this all my life and I got used to it. Sometimes I painted on board and it was a good experience. However…
I think I love the preparations, stretching the canvas, feeling the nice tension. But in the end once again I don’t have an adequately answer.
Hi Ben, great work. Really looking forward to your new dvd. Will your other videos be out on dvd soon too. I’ve been painting for a few monthe a really love your videos.
Would there be a chance to meet you on day as I live about 60mins from Chelva?
Hi Gav. Where exactly?
Between Alicante and Valencia in a place called Adsubia
Hello Ben,
Very beautiful painting, can u guide me?
Hopefully my tutorials will help you.
hi sir ben, thank you for the tutorial videos you have shared, i have learned a lot from you and more power.
its one thang being agreat artist and anotherthang being a selfish artist.thank u for all ur knowledge.God be with u.
Hi Henie.
Thank you for your kind words. My next tutorial is about a little girl half african origin. I´d really love to paint the portrait of her father. He is a good friend of mine so that will be in the future.
Wait and see. Kind regards.
Scusa ma io non ho ancora finito i tre mesi ancora lo dovevo studiare.Come lo posso vedere?
Oggi sono rimasto male,devo dare un’esame di artistico, quando sono andato a vedere il video non c’era. Gentilmente me lo puoi mandare per una settimana cosi lo studio e poi lo puoi riprendere. GRAZIE.
I ( 59 age )don’t know or understand your language….but your blog is very useful for my son ( 18 age ) who is interesting in portrait painting and is now studying in college taking the related course…while surfing net, I came accross with your blog and very much pleased to read it…thanx a lot= 29th June,2012 INDIA
I am very interested to buy one of your videos. Which video is the easiest to start learning how to oil paint portrait, since I am a beginner. Could you please advise.
Thank you
fabuloso- magnifico – felicidades gran artistta kimeta
hola señor Ben he visto sus maravillosas pinturas, yo tambien soy pintora , pero usted es el maestro, tengo 77 años y hace 50 que pinto pero no he conseguido ni una décima parte de su maravilloso talento he disfrutado mucho con su pintura , le doy las gracias por ese tiempo que me ha maravillado con su colorido, dibujo , pinceladas, lastima que no entiendo su lengua, para hubiera sino la voz de los angeles GRACIAS KIMETA
Hi Mr. Ben have seen his wonderful paintings, I also am a painter, but you are the master, I have 77 years and for 50 I paint but I have not even a tenth of his wonderful talent I really enjoyed the painting, thanks for the time that has amazed me with its colorful, drawing, brush, sorry I do not understand their language, but had the voice of angels.
Thanks, KIMETA.
Estoy de acuerdo contigo Kimeta, Gabriela.
(I agree with you Kimeta, Gabriela).
Gabriela Tapia (Translater)
Have a nice day.!! 🙂 Master Ben.
Ik vind uw site geweldig dat wil ik even zeggen.
Graag wil ik ook portret schilderen, tot nu toe het ik het met pastel en grafiet gedaan, maar in olieverf wil ik het ook eens gaan doen…
Met vriendelijke groet,
Hi Ben
I see you have workshop at different places are you coming to Florida (United States) I live in Orlando and would love to go to one of your workshops.
I am afraid I am not coming to Florida to give a workshop. The only place I will be teaching is in Burgundy in France. To much teaching keeps me from work. See: workshops.
Hello Ben
Your video “Portrait of a Little Boy” is absolutely amazing. I have learned so many techniques and mixture of the right skin color. Better than the live classes that I have taken with other professors. I have spent a lot of money and with your video I learned all I needed to learn for nowf. Do you have other videos? I will definitely buy them. thank you for sharing your amazing thechniques. May God bless your magical hands.
Hello Ben
Your video “Portrait of a Little Boy” is absolutely amazing. I have learned so many techniques and mixture of the right skin color. Better than the live classes that I have taken with other professors. I have spent a lot of money and with your video I learned all I needed to learn for nowf. Do you have other videos? I will definitely buy them. thank you for sharing your amazing thechniques. May God bless your magical hands.
Eu é que fico por demais de agradecida de ter conhecido um artista com trabalhos tão belos como o que o senhor faz. Pra mim é um encanto poder contemplar tanto talento. Fico feliz em poder me comunicar com um artista como o senhor e sempre vou tentar acompanhar o seu trabalho, gostei muito das explicações sobre a mistura das tintas, como andei me aventurando em pintar algum tempo atrás eu sei que esta é uma das partes mais difíceis de acertar (a mistura das tintas), quem não pinta tela ou nunca mexeu com pintura em tela não faz idéia do quanto é difícil pintar, por isso eu dou meus parabêns pelo trabalho árduo mas com muito amor e dedicação que o senhor faz. Obrigada pelo e-mail de agradecimento. Thau!
Thank you for your kind words. Wish you success.
Hello other again!!
Someone after the course in October will stay in Paris a few days?
Hello Ben
Thank you for sharing this much. I am a beginner, this blog helps me a lot.
I have finished your tutorial “Portrait of a little boy”. Now, I am practicing my first self-portrait. Since most of your model in tutorial is blonde, I have problems in mixing colours for my dark hair.
Can I send you my photo ? I need little advise.
Hi Anton
I am sorry for the late answer. Send me your photo and I will see if I can help you.
I will send you my email in a separate message.
Kind regards.
Really Nice!!
I would LOVE to purchase your painting lesson, but you dont have PAYPAL???,so I cant
I would LOVE to purchase your painting lesson, but you dont have PAYPAL???,so I cant
Come posso comprare il video della ragazza?
Hi Salvo. I hope to publish the video portrait of a little girl next week, november 19, and it will be available in English and also a spanish subtitled version.
Kind regards. Ben
Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration.
Thank you Rosalyn
Hi Ben
I don’t understand something
I paid for unlimited + 1 burn then I got it on my computer – that’s all right
but I close it , and it disapeard!
what do I do , how can I get it back without paing once again
Hi Ben
I apologize I found it
Thank you
Hi Iftah. I don´t have an answer. I send your comment to the seller company and they will contact you. We keep in contact.
Hi Ben
I would like to know with what camera you take the photo and with what printer
I’m asking this because I think the photo we work from should be as rich with color and resolution as one can get to make best results
and thanks for sharing and making people happy
Hi Iftah
I have a Canon D5 and I use the RAW option. In photoshop I have a lot of settings that I can change. My printer is an Epson stylus Photo R2400. Maybe later I wil make a post in which I explain how I make the photographs and the copies.
Hi Ben
When you put the colors in a plastic container , you can put the colors directly on the
iner side of the container cover
this way , there’s more room.
Ye , I knew there was something I could give..
Hi Itfah.
Good idea!
Thank you.
Hello Ben, I absolutely loved your ” little boy” tutorial. You are very generous.
Unfortunately, I’m having the same issue as Iftah Dori. After I closed the player, I seem to have lost the ability to replay. Thanks for your help. I look forward to watching it many times. Shawn
Hi Shawn Crane
Look for the icon ‘Flux Player’ , it’s there
, somewhere on your computer
important question…I was interested in buying your ebook about the boy painting, but I can t understand ehich is the price, and in the publicity short movie I can see 16 euros, in the page 18 and when I want to pay two different chances,??? Do I have to select them both?
and last, I read in soon buyers comments that some probs are possible in wiewing it!. I wait for your good advice, from Italy!!! P.S. any chance for a discount for having to translate everything and hope to understand all??? congratulations, you are number one! silvia
I have a MAC, if this can help….
I really prefer to wait but have a product I can easily see anytime in my pc 😉 so pls let me know if any problems is solved. (cause I’m not so able with technical probs in computers). sincerely silvia again.
Hi Silvia.
I don´t understand your comment. Did you buy the video already and you cannot see it? Or are you waiting to buy till you have a mac?
Anyway we rarely have problems with people that buy the video. And if one arises the help desk of Flickrocket immediately helps them out. These people are great.
Hear from you.
How do I sign on for your blog? I am interested in your upcoming video tutorials.
Thanks, Annette
Hi Annette
Press the button Follow and that is it.
Kind regards.
Hi Ben
Why not use a projector insted of the grid method
that way you can see in advance the placement of the image on the canvas
unless there is something I don’t know
Hi Iftah.
I will show four ways to get the drawing on the canvas. By using a grid, by copying with transparant paper, by observation and by projecting. I am preparing a short video on that. I want to give attention to each manner.
Kind regards.
Hallo Ben,
Allereerst grote dank voor de fanastische video, portrait of a little boy en de andere video’s op youtube.
Ik ben begonnen met een portret van mijn kinderen. De onderschildering in acryl staat erop. Ik heb de kleuren gemixed en alles staat dus om echt aan de slag te gaan.
Er zijn echter twee vragen waar ik nog een beetje mee zit.
1. De haren van de kinderen hangen vrij ver over het voorhoofd. Is het dan niet beter om met het gezicht te beginnen in plaats van het haar?
2. Ze hebben beide blauwe ogen. Nu heb ik een paar voorbeelden gezien van donkere ogen maar ik twijfel nog een beetje hoe ik blauwe ogen moet aanpakken. Moeten die ook eerst begonnen worden met die speciale behandeling met burned sienna? Verf ik dan eerst het blauw en dan de pupil? Of eerste de dondere buitenrand van de iris?
Op de bovenstaande link kan je de foto zien.
Hans Neufeglise
Hallo Hans.
Eigenlijk moet je niet aan haren denken. Het is veel eerder een kwestie van donkere en lichte delen.
Ik zie dat het haar donkerder is dan de hoofdhuid. Werk altijd van de donkere delen naar de lichte dan krijg je de minste problemen.
Met blauwe ogen kun je gerust een dunne laag van ruwe sienna geven. Heel dun en pas later een blauwe tint eroverheen toevoegen.
Maar pas op. Als je weet dat de ogen in werkelijkheid blauw zijn wil je ze ook echt blauw maken. Kijk goed naar de foto en zie dat er niet eens zo veel blauw te zien is.
Mr. Ben Lustenhouwer hello,
I have seen his work and I love the pictures, I’m a fan of painting, especially the oil and pastel portraits, I would like to buy your video, but I wanted to ask you two questions, wanted to know if the video is downloaded from a server and the other is that the payment is by credit card, I’m used to paying by Paypal, and would like to make sure that the method is safe.
I am writing in English and Spanish, but I think it means in both languages because he has lived in Spain.
Best regards,
thank you very much.
hola Sr. Ben Lustenhouwer,
He visto su obra y me encantan los retratos, soy un aficionado a la pintura, sobre todo a los retratos a oleo y pastel, me gustaria comprar su video, pero queria hacerle dos preguntas, queria saber si el video se descarga desde un servidor y la otra es que el pago es por tarjeta de credito, yo estoy acostumbrado a pagar por Paypal, y quisiera asegurarme que el metodo es seguro.
Le escribo en ingles y español, aunque creo que lo entenderá en los dos idiomas porque ha vivido en españa.
Un saludo,
muchas gracias.
Hola Antonio.
El video no se puede pagar con Paypal. La otra opcion ofrecida en mi blog es muy segura.
A lo mejor te interesa saber que mi proximo video sera subtitulado en castellano. Un saludo.
Mr. Ben Lustenhouwer hello,
Thank you very much for your reply, then buy this, and when you leave
subtitled in Spanish next and I’ll buy, I hope you let me know
when you leave.
hola Sr. Ben Lustenhouwer,
Muchas gracias por su respuesta, pues compraré este, y cuando salga
el próximo subtitulado en español ya lo compraré, espero que me avise
cuando salga.
Hi Ben, I’m a great admirer of your work and I’ve seen massive improvements in the faces I paint after watching your videos, particularly the full tutorial of the painting of a little boy which I have purchased and found extremely helpful.
I just wondered, could we have some more tips on painting the clothes and the background? As these are the areas letting my portraits down I feel. Which is frustrating after managing to capture a likeness…
I know you’re an extremely busy man but a few tips or even a video would be amazing help.
Hi Kyle. Thank you for your kind words. May be in the future I will pay attention to more areas in a painting such as clothing and backgrounds. In fact a very good suggestion! Best. Ben.
Hallo Ben,
Ook ik ben gevormd door mijn jaren in het atelier van de frater. Wat een ongelofelijke bron van kennis, kunde en inspiratie was hij toch. Zozeer zelfs dat ik alsnog op later leeftijd de beroepsopleiding heb gedaan; ik was 50 toen ik afstudeerde. Nu heb ik een atelier aan huis en stilletjes hoor ik de sonore stem van de frater (“het totaal, het ribbenkorfje, héél geniepig leren kijken….”) als ik mijn cursisten les geef. Dit moet bekend klinken! Ken je Truus de Groot nog? Met haar onderhoud ik nog een sporadisch contact.
Ik ben blij met je prachtige portret van hem; ik heb helaas geen foto van de frater. Is het mogelijk dat ik die eventueel groot in een bestandje zou mogen hebben? Om uit te printen en in mijn atelier op te hangen….
Je maakt prachtig werk!
Met een vriendelijke groet van
Heleen Cramer
Hallo Heleen.
Wat leuk om iets te horen van een medeleerling.
Ja,de Frater.
Hij is voor mij nog altijd aanwezig in mijn atelier.
Hello Ben,
I really admire your portrait painting skill and appreciate all information you give us generously. I love to paint and been studying painting and sculpture for about 4 years at Dömen Konskola and Valand Konsthögskola in Gothenburg, Sweden. For some reasons (one of the reason I becoming addicted to chess!) I stopped to paint since 2005. When I saw your blog and portrait painting videos I felt so sad because I have wasted all these years not to pick up my painting interest. Your blog and videos really give me inspiration. Today I make a room and put up all my paintings aquiptments, when I smell the oil I feel so happy and smile,,,,and said to myself: “I want to paint again from today!”
Thank you Ben, because of you I start to paint again and I will learn more and o more.
You can check out my old paintings I did in facebook, here is the link:
Best regards,
Dear Susanti.
Thank you for your kind words. I am honoured that you say I inspired you to go back to your brushes. I will have a look at your work.
Kind regards. Ben
Mr. Ben Lustenhouwer0f
I recently retired from pharmacy. I am now 73 years old and never took painting very serious. I started painting in acrylics two years ago and decided that I needed help in getting started since its been so long that I painted last. I quickly picked up the methods of mixing acrylics and entered my first painting at a contest held by Northwest Florida State college in Niceville, Fl. The painting was a hummingbird and I won first place. I painted my first portrait following your instructions. I’ll send it.
I bought the The Portrait of a little boy and reviewed it over and over and organized my studio and brushes, palette, the same way you did. I followed your video and took pictures of my next door neighbor like you did the little boy. I followed you step by step and then used your technique to paint a man. I did paint the little boy first before applying your technique. I need your opinion on my outcome since this is the second painting of a person that I attempted to paint. Your instructions are awesome!
Curious to see what you made.
Dear Ben
I came across your portrait tuition from you tube clips, and purchased your instruction on painting a young boy with blond hair. (Very helpful) Although I did not follow the teaching exactly, I painted the best portrait I have managed to do so far. (I did not use any underpainting with acrylics, and I had a little difficulty with matching colours since I used an inkjet printed photograph, with unreliable colours.
I posted the results of this portrait on so you can see the result of my efforts.
I am keen to paint with better technical skill from life; I see you have very a brief youtube clip of your painting a man who is shown on your blog dated Jan 5 2014.
I see you sketched carefully with charcoal and then blew on (I assume) retouching varnish to fix it before commencing to paint alla prima in oils. I am interested in the measuring and capturing likeness from life, and I wonder if you have any further DVD materials I can buy to assist me with this. I liked the fact that you had a good charcoal underpainting which you fixed so it would not bleed through. I have previously just sketched with a brush and thinned paint.
Best wishes, and I hope you may have more resources to help me.
/Users/louis/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary/Previews/2014/09/07/20140907-175217/XJirLGXTQhCVN%hkwDFvng/DSC00304.JPG
Thank you Ben!
Regards, Louis
Thanks. For the tips, tutorials and the great videos. I mainly do watercolor but I watch your videos though. I would like to see how you paint your watercolors too. from Kenya.
I hardly can show how to make a watercolour portrait. This technique has to much secrets, even for me.