Having delivered some portrait commissions at Morren Galleries in Utrecht we went to the isle of Texel in the North of the Netherlands. September is bird migration time and Texel is a good place to be. Some members of my family are trained birdwatchers. With them we walked and watched. For those who are interested, this is the list of birds we saw this morning at National park the Slufter: Grey Heron, Little Egret, Bean Goose, Greylag Goose, White-fronted Goose, Mallard, Northern Pintail, Eurasian Wigeon, Northern Shoveler, Common Eider, Common Shelduck, Hen Harrier, Roug-legged Buzzard, Common Buzzard, Common Kestrel, Merlin, Common Pheasant, Great-ringed Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Common Greenshank, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Oystercatcher, Herring Gull, Collared Dove, Turtle Dove, Wood Pigeon, Great-spotted Woodpecker, Meadow Pipet, Northern Wheatear, Robin, Common Stonechat, Blackbird, Wren, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Magpie, Eurasian Jay, Common Starling, Carrion Crow, Eurasian Jackdaw, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Yellowhammer, Egyptian Goose.
Although the real migration did not start yet this week we had a great time!