Commercial illustrations
A long time ago I made commercial illustrations. Yesterday I found two paintings in the storage.
Together with five other pieces of artwork, these illustrations were published in a calendar for a spanish banking company. The theme was “History of Money“. As always I was searching for models. But this time I guess there was no time left to do so. (Always killing deadlines in commercial illustration!) In the first picture you see me and my wife. The twenties hat I bought especially for that occasion and I still have it in my studio. The counter in the shop where the shop-lady (my wife) stands behind is a piece of furniture in which I store my painting stuff already for a long time. That was pure coincidence and very useful. In the other you see me minting, in a moresque ambience.

Now I see clearly the influence of the lessons of Andrew Loomis “Creative Illustration” Still I scroll through that book every now and then.