Portrait painting from life.


Luis. 55 x 55 cm. oil on canvas
Luis. 55 x 55 cm. Oil on canvas.

For this demonstration, I used my customary, extensive palette of 16 colours. I premixed a limited number of flesh-tones. Three for the light parts, one for the shadow, three neutral grays and a mauve colour. Because I elaborated the drawing accurately, I could make use of the tonal values​​ of the charcoal. In the beginning I used citrus turpentine to dilute the paint. This approach enabled me to paint rather transparent to start with. In simple planes I started the painting and little by little I worked it out entirely. The whole session took seven hours over two days.


Also you see me using my home made viewer or colour checker. Make one yourself.

4 Replies to “Portrait painting from life.”

  1. Love your work Ben. I find your tutorials very rewarding. Thank you.

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